What is the difference between a real estate agent and a real estate broker?
Most states require real estate sales professionals to be licensed by the state, so that they can control education and experience requirements and have a central authority to resolve consumer problems.
The terminology used to identify real estate professionals varies a little from state to state. Brokers are generally required to have more education and experience than real estate salespersons or agents.
The person you normally deal with is a real estate agent or salesperson. The salesperson is licensed by the state, but must work for a broker. All listings are placed in the broker’s name, not the salesperson’s.
A broker can deal directly with home buyers and sellers, or can have a staff of salespersons or agents working for him or her.
Why should I use a real estate salesperson?
A real estate salesperson is more than just a “sales person.” They act on your behalf as your agent, providing you with advice and guidance and doing a job – helping you buy or sell a home. While it is true they get paid for what they do, so do other professions that provide advice, guidance, and have a service to sell –such as Certified Public Accountants and Attorneys
The Internet has opened up a world of information that wasn’t previously available to homebuyers and seller. The data on listings available for sale is almost current – but not quite. There are times when you need the most current information about what has sold or is for sale, and the only way to get that is with an agent.
If you’re selling a home, you gain access to the most buyers by being listed in the Multiple Listing Service. Only a licensed real estate agent who is a member of your local MLS can get you listed there – which then gets you automatically listed on some of the major real estate web sites. If you’re buying or selling a home, the MLS is your agent’s best tool.
However, the role of an agent has changed in the last couple of years. In the past, agents were the only way home buyers and sellers could access information. Now agents are evolving. Because today’s home buyers and sellers are so much better informed than in the past, expertise and ability are becoming more important.
The real estate agent is becoming more of a “guide” than a “salesperson” — your personal representative in buying or selling a home.
I have a family friend who is a Realtor. I like her and she is a help but she gives me one price to sell my home for and I think it is too low. So I called another agent who suggested a price more in line with my expectations. Who do I choose?
You might want to consult a couple more Realtors on the market value of your home. Most of the estimates should be in the same ballpark.
It could be that your friend is being more honest with you about the value of your home and the other Realtor gave you a higher number because he already knew you expected it. This is called “Buying a Listing” and is the subject of an article on our web site.
Or it could simply be that your friend is a good friend, but not that great of a real estate agent.
Mixing business and friendships is always risky to the friendship. On the other hand, if your friend is truly competent and was providing wise advice, she may be offended if you ignore the advice and choose another agent.
I have to make a choice between an updated home in an older neighborhood or a newer home in a more modern neighborhood. The home in the older neighborhood has almost everything I want and is much larger, but which makes the most sense as an investment?
If your goal is to buy a home for it’s resale value and the one you are thinking of buying in the older neighborhood is at the upper end of values for that neighborhood, then it may not be the wisest choice. If it is similar or lower in price to the others, then there should be no problem, because pricing should be considered in relation to the local neighborhood and not compared to homes in other neighborhoods (for the most part)
Plus, is it a neighborhood on the decline, or are others going to be fixing things up, too, so that it is a neighborhood that is improving? It could turn out to be a very good deal as long as you don’t “overpay” because of the recent improvements.
Remember that you also buy a home for it’s value to you as a “home,” and that is something else you should consider. Which neighborhood would you AND your family feel most comfortable in?
When buying a new home, what upgrades should we go for? What holds the most value? Do we upgrade the lot? Pick more square footage in the house? Add an extra bedroom?, etc.
A lot depends on why you are buying the house. Are you buying it mostly as a home or mostly as an investment? There is a difference.
For the most part, upgrades are high-profit items for builders. They aren’t designed to enhance the value of the house, but make you happier with the house you do buy.
If you are looking at your home as an investment, then you buy from the smaller to medium size in the tract and spend only a minimal amount on upgrades. If you are looking at your purchase as a home, then you select upgrades that will enhance your quality of living.
One rule of thumb is to always upgrade the carpet and padding.
Una vez elegida la propiedad que deseas comprar, y que han llegado a un acuerdo con tu inmobiliaria de confianza para la compra del inmueble, el acuerdo se debe realizar. El documento que se firma en esta primera instancia se llama BOLETO DE RESERVA.
El BOLETO DE RESERVA es un documento privado entre comprador y vendedor y en el que también esta presente el escribano elegido por el comprador y la inmobiliaria. En este documento se establecen todos los puntos del negocio: objeto, precio, condiciones de compra, etc, y se acompaña con un deposito en manos del escribano actuante o de la inmobiliaria interviniente, un 10% del precio pactado de la compra venta.
A partir de ese momento, el escribano comenzará a hacer el estudio de los títulos de la propiedad y si los mismos son correctos para poder efecturarse la compraventa, normalmente en un plazo de 30 días se estará realizando ,ya como documento público, la ESCRITURA DE COMPRAVENTA (o la PROMESA DE COMPRAVENTA) dependiendo del la situación en que se encuentra la propiedad y la forma de pago de la misma.
En ese momento, es donde el promitente comprador realiza el pago del inmueble y toma ocupación del bien. (siempre y cuando el mismo no esté en construcción.
.Si, el escribano es elegido por el comprador de la propiedad para que el mismo fiscalice la documentación antigua y realice la nuev y futura documentación a firmar por las partes en documento público.
Debe realizar la oferta a su agente inmobiliario de confianza y el mismo deberá ser quien la traslade al propietario del inmueble.
En ocasiones, es necesario formalizar dicha oferta por medio escrito o incluso con señas. Esto depende del protocolo de trabajo del agente o de las exigencias del propietario.
Cuando realizamos la compra de una propiedad que ún no se ha construído, o que se está construyendo, la misma es estudiada y fiscalizada por el escribano, de la misma manera que si estuviera terminada.
Se hace una escritura pública y el comprado es propietario ante el registro de un inmueble que aún no se ha entregado. En esta ocasión se firma una PROMESA DE COMPRAVENTA. La misma puede venderse durante el plazo de construcción.
Aún así siempre es importante que sepamos a quien le estamos comprando ese apartamento en un edificio que aun no ha sido edificado. Basta con tomar referencia de developer para poder establecer cuál es su historial y su situación.
Hoy en día en Punta del Este se encuentran desarrollando edificios importantes desarrolladores que dan la seguridad necesaria al inversor.
Si. Mediante los bancos de plaza es posible encontrar créditos para la compra de inmuebles.
En algunas ocasiones el mismo propietario (generalmente en una financiación a corto plazo) puede ser quien financie garantizándose el mismo inmueble.
Es muy variable, pero podemos hablar de entre un 3 % y un 6% anual. (como en todos los casos, hay excepciones).
Los costos de mantenimiento de los apartamentos varian de acuerdo a varios factores. Los principales factores son:
-Cuántas unidades forman parte del condominio. (son 20 apartamentos? Son 100 apartamentos o son 200 apartamentos?) Esto varia porque los cstos fijos se amortizan entre más o menos unidades.
-Si tiene servicios que implican personal (por ejemplo, si el apartamento tiene o no servicios de mucama, diario, semanal.) También es importante la antigüedad del personal.
-Si tiene amenidades o no (tiene piscina cerrada? o solo una recepción?) El contenido de los amenities incrementa o disminuye el costo mensual.
Esto es un factor muy variable y tenemos que verlo caso a caso.